Meet Our Hunger Heroes
Feeding Tampa Bay’s hunger heroes fuel our COVID-19 response efforts. Our volunteers jumped in to provide heroic service. Our donors increased their generosity exponentially. Our staff and team worked tirelessly to innovate creative solutions to meet the need head-on. Meet a few individuals who rightfully claim the name “hunger hero.”
Giving Time Ends Hunger
Even with unemployment and furloughs increasing, our heroic volunteers like Jackie show how they #StandwithFTB. Jackie first volunteered with Feeding Tampa Bay on January 1, 2020. Her New Year’s resolution to serve more took an immediate turn once the pandemic struck. As we launched our mega pantries in response to COVID-19, Jackie committed to volunteering at our HCC mega pantry distributions every week. Jackie’s commitment – along with our brave volunteers – helps propel our vision for a hunger-free Tampa Bay.
Fueling our Mission
Some people #StandWithFTB, and some run for our cause! David Whiteside chose to support Feeding Tampa Bay for his 60th birthday, which arrived at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. David convened his local community, friends and social media following to raise thousands of dollars in donations for Feeding Tampa Bay. Advocates and donors like David directly fuel our work to end hunger, increasing health and capability across our region.
Growing our Team
When the pandemic first hit, Chris Brewer stood with FTB as a Team Rubicon volunteer. Now, he’s our Director of Distribution. Chris tirelessly worked alongside Feeding Tampa Bay’s team – from sorting food in our warehouse to leading volunteer shifts at ten different mega pantries – demonstrating how our community is stronger when we stand together.
We're unstoppable when we stand together.